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Koncept in avtorstvo / Concept and created by: Tina Dobaj

Izvedba / Performed by: Tina Dobaj, Maja Lamovšek

Glasba / Music: Žiga Golob


Projekt je zasnovan na ideji arhitekta Louisa Kahna, ki raziskuje, poglablja in razvija odnos prostorov v okolju. Skupno arhitekturnemu jeziku Louisa Kahna je napredek v doživljanju telesa, uma, družbe in duha. Prav tako je pomembno razumevanje, da ima nekaj tudi v arhitekturi svojo naravo, namen. Torej vsaka zgradba ima nek namen. Veličastna zgradba se začne z neizmerljivim in mora preiti skozi merljivo. Na koncu mora spet doseči prvotno veličino neizmerljivega. Edini način grajenja, da stavba nastane, je skozi merljivost. 


The project is based on the idea of the architect Louis Kahn who explored, expanded and developed the relationship of spaces in the environment. Common to the architectural language of Louis Kahn is the progression in the experience of body, mind, society and spirit. It is important to realise that in architecture everything has a certain nature, a purpose. Consequently, every building has a purpose. A great building must begin with the immeasurable, go through the measurable and in the end must be unmeasured. The only way to get a building into being is through the measurable.


Produkcija: FRONT@ Festival

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